Family Health
Opening hours/After hours
Practice Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday: 9am - 5:30pm
Fridays: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Saturdays: 1pm - 5:00 pm
Sundays: 9am - 1:00pm
Public Holidays: Closed
Phone Number: 08 9419 1544
Fax : 08 9419 1577
After Hours & Home Visits
Our Practice supports the Western Australian Medical Deputising Service (WADMS) for after hours home visits.
Home visits by a General Practioner at our Practice will only be considered and approved by the General Practitioner for Palliative reasons.
For Emergencies
Please call Urgent Ambulance 000 or attend the Rockingham District Hosptial, Elanora Drive (phone 9592 0767)
For Non Emergencies
Please call the Western Australian Medical Deputising Service (WADMS): 9321 9133
Ambulance Non Urgent: 9334 1234
Health Direct 24hour advice service: 1800 022 222 or 1800 022 226
Alternative Numbers
Crisis Care: 9325 111 or 1800 199 008
Life Line: 13 11 14
Domestic Violence: 9325 1111
Poisons: 13 11 26
Sexual Assault & Drug Information Line: 9340 1828 or 9442 5000